Media Center » Digital Resources

Digital Resources

These resources can be accessed under the "Student" tab on Risle Middle School's homepage.
Resource Description
Login Information
This is a digital online classroom community where students can access any assignments and complete classwork instructed by the teacher.
User Name and Password:
The same as the student's computer login.
HMH is the new curriculum grades 6-8 are learning in their classes. This program allows teachers to assign assessments, classwork, and many other resources for students to engage in while learning and developing their reading and writing skills. 
User Name and Password:
The same as the student's computer login.
Cleaver is an education hub that is used by Glynn County School District for students to access a variety of programs with ease and convenience. 
Here is a list of some of the programs used through Cleaver (but are not limited to)...
  • Achieve 3000
  • Khan Academy
  • Pear Deck
  • Write Score
  • NearPod and many more!!!
User Name: PIN
Password: MM/DD/YYYY
(8-digit DOB with the forward slashes!!!)
The media center is the information hub of the school, but we do have to go home at the end of the day. So, these research resources are here for you when we can't be! 
Research tips:
  • Evaluate resources for accuracy.
  • Always cite your sources!
  • List your sources in a consistent format (MLA help below).
  • NEVER pass someone else's work off as your own (This is plagiarism. This is illegal!).
  • You learn and grow by thinking about information and putting it into your own words.
Resource Link
Login Information
See the source image Use Destiny to search for books in our Media Center and WebPath Express to find great teacher-reviewed websites.
No login is needed to search for books, but login is required to reserve materials or check out e-books.
Username: Pin
Password: Computer password
Galileo logo
Research databases full of academic articles from professional journals, magazines, and newspapers. Provided by the University Systems of Georgia.
Ask your media specialist for the current password.
The World's largest library full of online resources.
No login is required.
Explains laws regarding Copyright and Fair Use.
No login is required. 

Easy Bib

Learn how to cite sources in MLA format. No login is required.
Online Writing Lab Learn how to cite sources in MLA format. No login is required.