Risley Middle School's 2022-2023 yearbook is now on sale!
Order your child's yearbook online! Visit buytheyearbook.com and type in our school code: 708495. Once in the portal, select the Yearbook option to purchase a yearbook.
Yearbooks cost $45
Orders must be placed by April 30, 2023.
*Physical order forms are available in the front office.
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Parents of 8th grade students, you can also buy and create an ad for your student! Visit buytheyearbook.com and type in our school code: 708495. Once in the portal, select the Ads option to purchase a yearbook ad for your 8th grader.
Ad costs are as follows:
- Full page - $25.00
- Half page - $15.00
- Quarter page - $10.00
Ads must be submitted by February 14, 2023.
Click here for help with making your student's yearbook ad.