Period7-2022 Steubing-FY Assignments

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September 9th, Reflections Review in Google Classroom

September 9th, Reflections Review

We will review reflections today for our quiz tomorrow.  Be sure to log into the google meet to try the warm up and for help through today's assignment.  There is a 2 minute video to help review reflections.  You will also need to log into IXL and complete 15 questions on reflections.  Use the link to get to the lesson, BE SURE TO LOG IN TO GET CREDIT.


September 10th, Reflections and Translations Quiz in Google Classroom

September 10th, Reflections and Translations Quiz

Today we will take a quiz on translations and reflections.  Be sure to log in to Unify (Performance Matters) to submit your answers.  I will be available in the google meet to answer any questions you have.


September 8th, 2021 in Google Classroom

September 8th, 2021

Today, we will continue to work with reflecting a figure over a given line.  Be sure to log into the google meet to be a part of the warm up, as well as going over the homework.  We will also start the classwork together, before I ask that you try a few on your own.  You will need to finish the classwork and submit, as well as complete 20 questions in IXL on Reflections.  Use the link provided to access the lesson on Reflections. BE SURE TO LOG IN TO GET CREDIT FOR IXL!!!!!!!  The 20 questions you answer in IXL must come from the Reflections lesson.  I have also attached a video that you will have time to watch between going over last night's homework and beginning today's classwork.  Please let me know if you have any questions.


September 7th, Reflections in Google Classroom

September 7th, Reflections

Today we will look at reflecting a figure over a given line.  The video will walk you through the notes, as well as the classwork examples.  I will be available through the google meet for any questions you may have over the classwork/homework, or for any examples you may want to see.


September 2nd, Translation Quiz in Google Classroom

September 2nd, Translation Quiz

Today we will take the quiz on Translations.  Open the attached PDF for the questions.  Your answers will have to be submitted through UNIFY, the login information is below:

Be sure to submit your answers by the end of the day


September 1st, 2021 Translation Review in Google Classroom

September 1st, 2021 Translation Review

Today we will review translation for our quiz tomorrow.  Be sure to log in to the google meet for the warm up, attendance, and instruction.  If you have not yet submitted your picture of your Translation Poster, please do so.  You can share directly in the class stream if you would like, or share with me, or email.  Please be sure to do the following:

1.  watch khan academy video on translating a figure
2.  complete Translation worksheet and submit
3.  Complete 15 questions on translations in IXL - (45 questions for the week) use the link, BE SURE TO LOG IN to get credit for your IXL work

There will be a quiz tomorrow on translations of points and figures.  Be sure to submit all your work for credit.


August 31st, 2021 in Google Classroom

August 31st, 2021

We will continue to work with translating a figure around the coordinate plane today.  Please be sure to complete the following.

1.  Log in to the Google Meet at the beginning of class to participate in the warm up
2.  Watch the video on Translation
3.  Work through translation worksheet, I'll do a couple, then you can do a few
4.  Translation "Poster" - use the information given to create a "poster"  on translations. (A normal size sheet of paper will be fine, a blank graph is provided if needed.)  You may create a triangle, square, rectangle, etc...  Use your own coordinates to determine where your figure begins,  then determine which direction, and how far to move each vertex (corner).  Upload and share a picture of your poster  
5.  IXL 15 questions on translations (30 questions if you did not do last night's 15)


August 30, 2021 in Google Classroom

August 30, 2021

Today we will begin to look at figures transformations.  Be sure to log into the google meet for attendance and any questions that you have.  There is a video to watch (the first few minutes is a warm up on Dilations, you may watch as a preview)  Also included is a notes sheet that goes along with the video as well as your class work for the day.  Once you have finished, you may log in to IXL and practice in the translation section for at least 15 questions.  Be sure you are logged in under your school account so you get credit for the questions answered in IXL.


August 26, 2021 in Google Classroom

August 26, 2021

We will continue to work with similar figures until we begin virtual learning.  Complete the matching exercise, then the multiple choice worksheet on similar figures.  You may choose to print and scan your work, or use a document writing app like kami.  Submit your work in the classwork section.  I've also included another video on similar figures you may find useful.


August 25 Coordinate Plane in Google Classroom

August 25 Coordinate Plane